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This white-washed cottage stands at the landward end of the Souter Lighthouse, built in 1871 to ward ships from the dangerous rocks at Whitburn Steel. The lighthouse keeper and his family would have lived in this sea-view cottage which, after a careful restoration, has been transformed into a comfortable two-bedroom holiday home.
Enjoy a cup of tea in the garden and soak up the sweeping views. Stretching north from Souter Lighthouse is The Leas, a two and a half mile expanse of magnesian limestone cliffs, wave-cut foreshores and coastal grassland. Start a 2 mile walk from Souter Lighthouse and end at Rocket Green meadow; home to autumn gentian, bee orchid and dropwort.
Further afield, explore the vibrant city of Newcastle, just a 15 mile drive from the cottage. With its shops, museums, galleries and award-winning restaurants, it’s well worth a visit.
Heating: Gas central heating included.
Garden: Separated from cottage by access road; fully enclosed by low walls and fences.
*WiFi: This is now available, but please note that intermittent connection problems can sometimes occur and should not be relied upon. We are pleased to provide free WiFi at this cottage which is supported by BT.
Parking: There is designated parking 20 metres from the cottage door.
Dogs: Dogs are allowed on the nearby beach all year around.