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Summer 2017 has seen the lounge dining area, transformed into a beautiful, relaxed area, which also now serves coffee and locally sourced cakes all day, with a Carvery served on a Sunday. New lunch and evening menus now available.
The London Inn has 8 tastefully decorated and furnished bedrooms. Most rooms are En-suite. Each room has a TV and tea/coffee making facilities and is perfect for a weekend away, wedding party guests, conference delegates or business people.
Built in 1830's by Inn keeper Sampson Marshall, the London Inn has been serving the needs of travellers exploring the Cotswolds for decades. The London Inn established itself as one of Charlton Kings top eateries, with a Traditional pub menu and an amazing Flame Grill menu with a good choice of meats available.The London Inn is a friendly meeting venue, which caters for the needs of travellers and locals alike and it carries on that tradition today with visitors welcomed in to a 'local' atmosphere. The London Inn is open for lunch and dinner seven days a week.