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A small touring campsite located just outside the pretty North Cotswolds village of Mickleton on the B4081. The Cotswold Way starts at Chipping Campden approximately 2.5 miles from the campsite.
A 10 min walk will take you to the centre of the village and to the local bus stop. We are on the left hand side approximately 400 metres from the mini roundabout leaving Mickleton towards Chipping Campden.
We are located just outside of the pretty village of Mickleton where there are 2 pubs, a village shop, post office, butchers, greengrocers and hotel within a 10 minute walk. Mickleton is also home to the World famous Pudding Club which is also only a 10 minute walk away. If you wish to venture a little further, the beautiful wool town of Chipping Campden is just 2.5 miles away with Broadway and Stratford Upon Avon both within easy reach.
Please call to book.
Longhills Farm (Little Country Houses). Has been supported by the Cotswold LEADER Programme in the creation of this new campsite. It is part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.