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Welcome to Lovelady Shield Hotel and Cottages, an elegant Georgian country house nestled along the tranquil River Nent in the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, just 25 miles from the Lake District National Park. Our charming hotel offers 14 en-suite rooms with country-style decor, flat-screen TVs, and tea and coffee-making facilities, with upgraded rooms featuring 4-poster beds and sitting areas. Our five dog-friendly cottages, set in three acres of lush gardens, provide modern amenities, kitchens, and living rooms with fireplaces. Enjoy a complimentary hot breakfast and relax in our dining room with stunning views or our Coffee Lounge with exquisite Colombian coffee and homemade goods. With opportunities for cycling, walking, hiking, and bird watching, our location is perfect for outdoor adventures. Lovelady Shield also serves as an ideal venue for weddings, conferences, and special gatherings. Book your stay and embrace the comfort and charm of rural Cumbria.