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We’re pleased to offer a choice of 6 flexible AA 4 Star Silver Award guest accommodations - good quality beds, towels & toiletries, hairdryer, Beverages Tray, dressing gown, slippers - and so much more, all to ensure a pleasant and comfortable stay to add to your North Downs Walk Kent experience. With budget Single & Twin rooms (everything you might need but with limited space and Private External Bathrooms)) and Ensuite Double, Twin and Family rooms (including 3 Bedded Ensuite) - we can be as flexible as you need us to be! And before your continue your walk on North Downs Way, do join us in our stylish Breakfast Room for a truly great start to your day- tables for 1 to 4 and a varied and extensive Breakfast Menu with everything from the delicious Traditional Full English to something tasty for those on Vegetarian or Gluten free diets – we aim to offer something to tempt everyone!
White Cliffs Country is criss-crossed with beautiful walks - coast and country and Englands Coastal Path takes you further round the beautiful coast of South East Engtland.
We have a good selection of restaurants within 10 minutes easy walk of the house - boot tray, maps and information all provided to enhance your stay on North Downs Way Dover Kent . Supermarkets, launderette and shops are all within 5-10 minutes walk as are the bus and railway stations.