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Tranquil farmhouse bed and breakfast accommodation set amidst rural surroundings. Just 15 minutes walk from the glorious long sandy beaches, cafes and restaurants of Sutton on Sea and Sandilands.
The bedrooms are large, with handcrafted beds, cosy duvets and uninterrupted views of fields, gardens or farmyard. Each room has an en suite shower room, flat screen TV and tea/coffee making facilities. The delicious breakfasts with locally sourced and home-grown produce, including fresh eggs from our hens and ducks, are served in the spacious Garden Room. There is lots of private free parking.
Ideally located for the beaches, England Coast Path, Coastal Country Park, Lincolnshire Wolds and seaside villages and towns, we welcome guests looking for a peaceful and relaxing stay in beautiful Lincolnshire.
Glamping also available during the summer months.