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With four individual rooms we know we have something for everyone who expects more from their Bed and Breakfast experience. With king size beds and ensuite bathroom or shower rooms we provide our guests with, above all a relaxed and comfortable stay. We offer great quality service and luxury facilities from the White Company toiletries and Nespresso machines and large screen LED Smart TVs in each room. Similarly, beds and linen are chosen to provide a restful nights sleep so you feel refreshed for the next day. During the summer our garden provides the ideal relaxing spot to enjoy the evening sun. Maybe with a good book and a glass of wine?
We are proud to be AA Guest Accommodation of the Year 2023 for England. Also Gold award winners in North East England Tourism Awards 2023, 2022, and Bronze award winners for 2020. Our quality is recognised as one of the best as we also have a “Best of the Best 2022 from Trip Advisor. We are also the only quality assessed (AA) and accredited B&B in Belford.