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Marlborough House is double 4 Star Gold Award rated establishment operated by Peter Moore in a friendly and informal style.
It is conveniently close to all of Bath's famous attractions, including the Royal Crescent, Roman Baths, Thermae Spa and fantastic shopping and dining opportunities.
- AA - 4 Stars & Gold award. English Tourism Council - 4 Stars & Gold award
- Very close to Bath City Centre. On street parking available, "on-site parking" subject to availability and by prior arrangement.
- Free Air conditioning, Free wi-fi, Flat-screen TV's with Freeview in all guest rooms.
Marlborough House has six air conditioned en-suite bedrooms. Each room is very comfortable and scrupulously clean. Complementary toiletries and towels are provided. TV and wi-fi is available along with a min-fridge with honesty bar.
Breakfast is served in either the elegant parlour or lovely dining room, breakfasts are cooked to order, using only the highest quality organic ingredients. We specialize in organic foods which include a wide range of cereals, juices, yoghurts, jams, cheeses, eggs, milk and a selection of breads, and croissants, as well as fresh roasted continental coffees and fair trade teas. See menu examples below.