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There's a warm friendly welcome at this small Family Park where we offer value for money holidays. Set in delightful countryside only 10 minutes walk to Robin Hoods Bay and the BEACH and just 5 miles (10 minutes drive) to Whitby with its unspoilt traditional fishing port and Abbey.
Middlewood Farm Holiday Park is set amidst the glorious North York Moors National Park with magnificent panoramic country, moorland and coastal views. You can make your holiday quiet and relaxing or as exciting and energetic as you choose, but we do know that you will enjoy it.
- 5 Star Award Winning Holiday Homes for HIRE
- Touring Caravans and Motor Homes Welcome
- Electric Hook up for Tourers and Motor Homes
- Hard Standings
- TENTS (Some pitches with electric hook up)
- Gypsy Cabin, camping pods
- 2 SUPERB Washrooms
- Full DISABLED Washroom
- Baby Change Room
- 2 Dishwashing Areas (both under cover)
- Childrens Adventure Play Area (with safety surface)
- 5 minutes walk to local PUB & Shop
- 10 minutes walk to BEACH
- 5 miles (10 minutes drive) to WHITBY