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Nanterrow Farm, Gwithian offers traditional Farm House Bed and Breakfast in a friendly family atmosphere. Walkers are welcome and are sure to enjoy their stay on this working farm with it's Georgian Farm House. Full cooked english breakfast available. Linda & Glyn will warmly welcome you into their home.
Walkers on SWCP
Enter Gwithian , on the entrance to Green Lane, you will see a sign for Nanterrow Farm B&B. Follow signs up the lane for just under a mile, till you come to a big white farmhouse
By car
Follow the A30 down to Camborne west and turn off. Go up the slip road and Camborne will be on your left and you will need to go towards Connor Downs on your right. Go down through Roseworthy and follow the road untill you reach Connor Downs. Straight away in Connor Downs you will come to a cross roads, turn right towards Gwithian. Follow this road towards Gwithian untill you see the big boulders on your left. The sign for NanterrowFarmhouse bed and Breakfast will then be on your right, turn onto the lane where you see the sign and then follow the little signs untill you reach the Farmhouse.