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We are a small family run campsite and are extremely proud to have won a Visit England ROSE Award in Recognition Of Service Excellence.
We are a mile away from the beach, Ramsgate town centre and the only Royal Harbour in the country.
Viking Cycle Trail is less than half a mile from the campsite.
We accept Tents, Caravans, Motorhomes and Trailer Tents. Below are a few of the reasons why we may be the perfect site for you.
FREE Wi-Fi Zone
FREE temperature regulated showers.
*FREE use of a Fridge/Freezer.
*Vending machines - hot drinks, cold drinks and snacks.
Indoor Washing Up and Utility Room.
Dogs welcome, there is a park next to the campsite for walking.
Children's play area and park next to the campsite.
Small onsite shop which includes phone charging.
Tesco Express is at the top of the road, open daily 7am till 11pm .
Petrol station, located opposite Tesco Express has a small grocery shop, open 24 hours.
Local Take Away services are within a short walk or alternatively will deliver - Chinese, Fish and Chips,Domino pizza, Indian restaurant.
Bus stop outside our entrance (Number 9 Broadstairs, Ramsgate and Canterbury service).
The Loop Bus travels around Thanet every 7-10 minutes. Stops include Ramsgate town, Broadstairs, Margate and Westwood Cross Shopping Centre.
Ramsgate train station is only half a mile away.
Ramsgate beach and the Royal Harbour is just over a mile away.
Other attractions in Thanet include the Spitfire & Hurricane Museum, Ramsgate War Tunnels, The Turner Gallery and award winning beaches & bays.
*These facilities are not available during the winter season.