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OA Stay is a hidden gem of a bed and breakfast and has one of the best views in North Cornwall, where you can wake up to the stunning seascape from your bedroom.
We're tucked away from the main beach with our own private access to Wanson Mouth. And are directly on the coast path, with a 15 minute walk over the cliffs to Widemouth Bay itself.
Our rooms come in all shapes and sizes to suit everyone’s needs, many have stunning sea views and the majority of rooms are en-suite. For the rest of the rooms, the bathrooms/showers are just down the corridor.
Delicious and plentiful breakfast served every morning, Cereals, toast, fruit, yoghurt, pastries, fruit juice, tea and coffee and eggs and bacon – enough to fuel you for a busy day at the beach and in the water!
OA Stay is the ideal place to base yourselves for discovering the rest of Cornwall or for spending some time in the water.
There’s also:
- Free onsite parking
- Free superfast wifi
- Honesty bar available