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Old Rectory House is a family run smallholding and luxury farm stay in Kilve, Somerset, offering a unique opportunity to holiday within a designated area of outstanding natural beauty at the foot of the Quantock Hills.
The Coach House and our shepherd huts are a sanctuary, nestled in a countryside haven with stunning sea views.
Guests staying in The Coach House have their own private outdoor swimming pool, pool house and hot tub. The pool is heated and the season runs from April to October.
Guests in the shepherd huts have the luxury of their own private wood-fired hot tub with spectacular countryside and coastal views.
Dogs are welcome in The Coach House but the shepherd huts are close to livestock so can not accommodate pets. There is a two night minimum stay in the shepherd huts and three nights in The Coach House.
Rare-breed/zero food miles/free-range breakfast packs are available for all of our guests.
Our guests are free to explore our stunning grounds which include a walled orchard and a willow tunnel taking you to our croquet lawn. There are peaceful seating areas nestled within the wild flower meadow where you can take in the sea views and enjoy a picnic. In the evening, relax around the fire pit, toasting marshmallows while stargazing.