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In a peaceful spot opposite Winchester Cathedral, in the heart of England's ancient capital, this lovingly restored 18th-century inn is the perfect place to relax and unwind, whether at the start or end of your South Downs adventure.
Six ensuite bedrooms, including a two-bedroom family annexe that sleeps up to four guests, all beautifully furnished with an elegant mix of contemporary and antique furniture; a traditional oak-beamed bar serving four hand-pulled real ales, with a focus on local brews (Cask Marque accredited); a relaxed, friendly restaurant offering a tempting array of fresly prepared gastropub dishes, with a focus on local produce (we're Hampshire Hospitality Award-winners since 2006); and a lovely terrace (100% non-smoking) where you can just sit and watch the world go by.
We've also been awarded Highly Commended in the Guest Accommodation category for The Beautiful South Awards for Excellence 2013, which celebrates the best in tourism and hospitality throughout the region.
Come morning, freshly baked bread, free-range eggs, Hampshire sausage, juices, fresh fruit and tempting pastries are the ingredients for a wonderful breakfast, taken either in your room or in the restaurant – the perfect prelude to an exploration of the lively shops, fascinating historical buildings and tranquil open spaces of Winchester.