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weet sixteen bedrooms that whisper peaceful slumber and a restaurant that flaunts the very best of consummate cooking
Head Chef Jamie McCallum leads a well-honed team in The Painswick restaurant - Cotswolds seasonal comforts with a twist and possibly the most comfortable dining chairs in the land. Just by the restaurant is The Hearth - a buzzy, bijou café space with wood-burning stove in the wall, smorgasbord-style eats and very good coffee & teas. Hearth visitors can migrate to nearby lounges and a roomy terrace with an unrivalled view of the valley below. Upstairs is The Painswick's bar - for wonderful wines, cocktails, ales and a glass or two of bubbly. The large fire-lit bar lounge leads to the Games Room, low-lit for long, lazy evenings of playing pool and chewing the cud.
Sixteen, beautifully furnished rooms celebrate the house and garden wing's special, spacious interiors. A warren of wondrously placed spaces to kick back and drink in that view. To top it all, there are two spa treatment rooms for massage and beauty treatments. Spa partners are Elemis and Leighton Denny. The Painswick is situated in beautiful Painswick village, not far from Cheltenham, surrounded by beautiful valley and hill walks that include Laurie Lee's Slad Valley and Painswick Beacon.