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Park House is a quintessentially English, award-winning, family-owned, small luxury country house hotel and spa set in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Nestling just under the South Downs in the heart of the South Downs National Park, the hotel is set within ten glorious acres in the village of Bepton just outside the West Sussex market town of Midhurst.
The hotel comprises twenty one luxury en-suite bedrooms in the main hotel building and three adjacent cottages and all have been individually decorated to reflect an English country home. Outside its guests can enjoy a unique range of English country house sports and facilities which include two superbly presented traditional grass tennis courts, a large croquet lawn, a bowls lawn, a six hole par 3 eighteen tee golf course and a putting green.
The hotel also has a luxurious spa and there are a selection of spa day experiences and treatments for non-hotel guests and non-members to enjoy - full details can be viewed on the Park House website ( Spa members and spa day guests can enjoy full use of all the spa facilities which include a stunning 15-metre indoor swimming pool with marble entry shower, a Jacuzzi, saunas and steam rooms, a superb gym and fitness facilities, four treatment rooms and spaces specifically designed for relaxation. In the summer months, there is also an outdoor pool with surrounding sun terraces to enjoy. The spa therapists use Caudalie (French) and VOYA (Irish) products and treatments and Jessica for nails.
Adjacent to the hotel is a fully restored Sussex barn which looks out over the beautifully kept gardens and countryside beyond. Upstairs there is a snooker room and state-of-the art Boardroom for twelve which is fully equipped with air conditioning, video conferencing, WiFi and all the technology and services expected of a luxury business venue today. Downstairs the barn comprises two areas, the main barn area with its beautifully timbered roof and a smaller area to the side that is licensed for intimate family weddings. Dependent on requirements, the whole of the barn can be used and transformed into a bigger set-up thereby allowing greater flexibility and numbers for parties, weddings and business use.