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Peppercombe Holt offers comfortable self catering accomodation for 4 people and up to 2 pets in a tranquil wooded valley crossed by the South West Coast path. The cottage is some 300 m uphill from the trail and comprises kitchen/diner, living room with wood burner (free wood), utility room with drying space and washer dryer, bathroom with bath and separate shower, large double bedroom, and 2 smaller single bedrooms. There is central heating throughout and Wifi internet access. The cottage is set in mature woodland owned by the National Trust and there is an excellent beach with sand and extensive rock pools at low tide. Adjacent to the house is parking for one car, and a picnic table set in the mature garden. Vehicle access from the A39 is by a steep narrow track unsuitable for low or wide vehicles. Walkers tend to use the house as a local base for several day outings along the coast path and the Tarka Trail, either using their own cars or the local bus service for return. Other attractions include the RHS Gardens at Rosemoor and the local market town and port of Bideford (good supermarkets and also trips to Lundy Island).