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This charming converted barn on the Cotswold Way, approximately 4 miles from Bath city centre, offers flexible accommodation for families, walkers and other groups. Pipley Barn is ideal for those wanting a rural base from which to explore the city of Bath or the local countryside and provides the perfect final stopover point for Cotswold Way hikers. Dogs are welcome! We are adjacent to Lansdown Golf course, half a mile from the main road and access is down our rather bumpy track.
6 guests, 1 bedroom, 5 beds, 2 bathrooms
1 double bed, 2 single beds, 1 bunk bed, 1 floor mattress
That barn lies in the corner of a wild meadow which is full of wild flowers and butterflies in the summer, and nearby we have some beautiful mature beech woodland which is much loved by local dog-walkers. Out in the field you'll find some mysterious steel sculptures.
Pipley Barn is the country home of Henry Lawrence (more properly, Sir Henry Lawrence, a hereditary Baronet) and lies in the centre of a 55 acre estate of woodland, pasture and lately a fine golf course. The estate also includes parts of the site of the Battle of Lansdown (1643) and the earliest English war memorial, commemorating the loss of the Royalist commander Sir Bevil Grenville stands on the spot where he fell which is at one corner of our land.
There are fine walks in every direction and some very fine views, since we are right on the large flat top of Lansdown Hill, 700 feet above the City of Bath below. It's possible to see as far as the Welsh mountains to the west, the Quantock Hills to the south, and the Marlborough Downs to the East.
We have many acres of mature woodland, which are great to explore, and which are very popular with local dog-walkers.
Charlie’s place is located in Lansdown
Part of the estate lies on the site of the Battle of Lansdown. The Cotswold Way runs right through and past our yard gate.
We also have extensive private woodlands all around us which you're welcome to roam and explore.
We're always staffed here so there will be someone on hand to look after you. We're happy to help with lifts to and from the local Park and Ride which is half a mile away and makes a great way of getting into Bath and back.