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Sitting in the hamlet of Ford, this popular 16th Century Inn is renowned for its excellent menu, serving fresh local produce and fine Donnington Ales.
The Plough has three bed & breakfast rooms. B & B accommodation is provided in the Tallot. This quaint cobble-stoned building once used as a hayloft with stabling below for two- and four-legged visitors has been converted to provide separate, comfortable accommodation for the modern visitor (Dogs strictly by prior arrangement.). You will love the stunning views over the glorious Cotswold countryside. There is a large sunny garden with a childrens’ play area. Your dogs are welcome on lead in the garden.
Three comfortable en-suite (shower) rooms are available, beamed and differently shaped in true Cotswold fashion. Two family (double and a single bed) rooms and a double room arrangements are offered. We operate a non-smoking policy in our B&B accommodation. All prices include Full English Breakfast. Two nights minimum stay during race weekends and bank holiday weekends. Please book a table for evening meal as we get very busy in the restaurant.
The area holds everything for appreciators of the countryside as well as a rich and diverse cultural and sporting heritage. Jackdaws Castle racehorse trainers is directly opposite, and The Plough is popular with many famous jockeys and trainers.
If you like walking, there are some fine walks, with a stunning view of the gallops. Cycling, fishing and golf are also located in the near vicinity.
Winner of Cotswold Food & Drink ‘Cotswold Best Pub Award 2017
The Plough was voted Racing pub of the year in 2008.