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Radcliffes Lodge is a purpose-designed hostel built on a stunning waterfront estate in the heart of Amble, a vibrant harbour town on the Northumberland Coast. The Lodge sleeps 48 in a mix of accommodation available for one or more nights' stay.
Oozing quality and style the lodge’s facilities include a large communal area offering stunning views over Amble Marina and onto Warkworth Castle. There’s a fully equipped kitchen with four cooking stations, fridges, and freezers.
Perfectly situated on NCN Route 1 (Coast and Castles) and the Northumberland Coastal Path the Lodge is ideal for cyclists, walkers, backpackers and independent travellers. Especially as it has a secure garage with lockable bike racks, laundry & drying room and is within easy walking distance to shops, bars, restaurants and beaches. What's more, a self-service breakfast of cereal and toast and hot drinks is available at no extra cost.