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Although we are not situated on the Cleveland Way we are centrally situated with the walk going all the way around us. We ourselves have had many days walking sections of the Cleveland Way, setting off and returning to Rawcliffe House Farm. We are only a 30-minute drive to the start at Helmsley & a maximum of an hour to the rest of the trail, ideal for doing sections of the walk or just having a day out to visit the sites on it.
We are 6 miles North of the market town of Pickering & are in the North York Moors National Park.
We also have walks & trails, for cycling, walking & horse riders dierect from our doorstep.
Short breaks (min 2 nights) are available all year round in our Studio Rooms.
Jan & Dunacn welcome you to Rawcliffe House Farm as we live on-site and are quite happy to help you plan your visit.
We look forwrd to seeing you.