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The Redesdale Arms is known as the “First & Last” Inn on route to Scotland and has been providing a warm welcome to visitors for centuries.
The oldest part of the building is over 600 years old and is a former bastle house – a fortified dwelling that provided defence during the late middle ages when this part of the world was known as the “Debatable Lands” – A lawless region roamed over by bands of outlaws from both sides of the border known as Border Reivers.
Today the area is a tranquil place where visitors from both sides of the border can be assured of a very warm welcome, good food and hospitality and some fabulous scenery.
Situated in a great location the edge of the "Northumberland International Dark Sky Park", Redesdale is a great central location for visiting the many attractions seen on Robson Green's “Tales from Northumberland”, such as Hadrian’s Wall, the Scottish Border Country and just a little further afield the beautiful Northumberland coastline, with its castles and fabulous beaches from Alnmouth and Bamburgh to the island of Lindisfarne. At night you can enjoy some the darkest skies in the world, on a clear night the skies are truly breathtaking and were just 45 minutes away from Kielder observatory.