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Saltburn House is situated in the small historic town of Saltburn by the Sea. Our friendly and experienced staff are here to make your stay in Saltburn as enjoyable and relaxing as possible. We offer 26 en-suite bedrooms - all with Freeview TV, tea and coffee facilities. There is also free Wi-Fi available in the lounge areas. Situated in extensive grounds with sea views and just five minutes walk to the beach, the railway station, shops and restaurants. All 26 bedrooms include en-suite, Freeview TV and tea and coffee facilities. There is also free Wi-Fi available in the lounge areas. We offer a full english breakfast and an optional evening meal. Our food is of the highest standard and the vegetables are 'home grown' in our large kitchen garden. The extensive building has many original features with ornate windows and an impressive vaulted ceiling in the dining room. Very competitive bar with sky sports.
Services and products:
- Kitchen Garden
- Racing Breaks and Golfing Breaks
- 26 Fully Furnished Ensuite Rooms - 7 Doubles, 15 Twins and 4 Singles
- Restaurant can hold up to 50
- Lovely Decor and Surroundings
- Coach Trips Welcome
- Packages Available
- Couples Welcome
- Free Parking
- Function Room Available
- Set Menus Available
- Very friendly Service
- CIU Members
- Lounge Areas
- Freeview TV and tea & coffee facilities
- WIFI Available
- Hotel gardens
- Sky Sports
- Very competitive bar
- Disabled access
- Hotel meeting rooms