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Situated in the heart of the Cotswolds in Snowshill, near Broadway, Sheepscombe Byre holiday cottage sleeps four (4) in 2 lovely, comfortable bedrooms.
Sheepscombe Byre holiday home boasts 2 en suite bedrooms, each with a King Size double bed: the Green Room’s 6ft Super King Size bed, can be set up as Twin 3 ft beds if you prefer.
You will be warmed and cosseted by the underfloor heating and woodburner downstairs and by the central heating throughout.
The beautifully equipped cook’s kitchen caters for up to 6 people and includes an oven, hob, microwave, dishwasher, fridge-freezer, food processor and a ridiculously full drawer of implements of all sorts.
Fresh meat and vegetables and the finest quality ingredients can be bought locally.
Off-road parking for two cars is right next to your (green) front door.
Short Winter breaks and long week-end breaks are available in the low and mid seasons, however exceptions do apply over bank holidays and half terms. Please do phone [+44 (0)1386 853769] to discuss availability.