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Situated in its own spacious grounds of lawns and fruit trees, this former farmstead dates from the 1700's, its rustic charm complemented by modern restoration.
The word 'hotel' in any language evokes a haven of warmth and comfort and this small country hotel epitomises just that.
Businessmen soon recognise high standards of service, reliability and efficiency: the early call that is not forgotten, fresh orange juice at breakfast; and the importance of intelligently relaying a message ungarbled to a guest from his office is not lost on us.
While it is natural that we should be popular with some of our biggest firms and government departments - being near to the bustling commerce of Yate and Bristol, we are also near to Bath and the glorious Cotswolds for those seeking leisure, sightseeing and shopping.
Sodbury House is owned by two brothers, Guy and Marshall Gardner (also formerly of The William IV, Windsor, The White Hart at Ford in Wiltshire, The Dolphin, Dartmouth and the Belvedere Wine Vaults, Bath). Guy is assisted by his partner Ellie while Marshall, a qualified ski instructor, heads the French side of their business with his wife Sandie.
We concede that there's nothing quite like your own home but we do try to come close to it with well furnished comfort either in the main building (and yes, with a crackling log fire in the foyer) or in the adjacent coach house and garden rooms, all with easy access to ample parking space.
There are 7 rooms, all with private facilities, and some are for family use with an extra bed. All have colour TV, direct dial phone, trouser press, etc. All rates are per night and include full breakfast and all taxes.