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The perfect base for walkers, cyclists, runners or other parties looking to explore the South Downs National park. South Downs Bunkhouse is right on the South Downs Way where it crosses the River Arun and the Monarch's Way also runs close by.
You will be welcomed by the Lock family to this newly opened barn which has been converted to an extremely high standard. The hamlet of Houghton is well provided with pubs and nearby Amberley has cafes and a village store all within walking or cycle reach.
Accommodation is in 4 rooms of bunk beds each of which has a power and USB charging socket. A communal room has TV, WiFi, electric hob and oven, microwave, fridge, toasters, kettles, in addition there is a utility room with dishwasher, cooker, fridge freezer, washing machine and tumble dryers. There is a barbecue in the courtyard (fuel available for an extra small charge). Free tea and coffee is available.