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Welcome to South Downs Way B and B - your dog friendly bed and breakfast in the heart of the South Downs. We are a 20 minute, half a mile walk from the South Downs Way at Devil's Dyke, near Brighton. We are two minutes from the Royal Oak pub in Poynings and their delicious evening meals (served til 9.30pm). We have 3 double ensuite rooms available, all at £85 per night (£95 at weekends June - Oct) including breakfast. One of the doubles can easily be set up as a twin. In addition, for groups or families, if you don't mind sharing a bathroom,we have a further double, available at a reduced price.
We offer a full English breakfast made with our own free range eggs from our corn fed hens. We also offer vegetarian, vegan, gluten and dairy free options.
All of our rooms have tea/coffee making facilities and can offer packed lunches.
We accept dogs for £10 a night per dog.
We have bike washing facilities and secure bike lockup.
We have 4 secure parking places on our driveway.