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In the beautiful, quiet Spreacombe valley we have 6 self catering cottages and a converted barn venue room suitable for group meetings, sharing slide shows, talks etc.
Family run, dog friendly (in most cottages) we offer well equipped properties slightly off the beaten track but only 3 miles from Woolacombe.
- from the picturesque village of Mortehoe / stunning cliff path to Morte Point - about 5 miles by road
- from Croyde and the rugged Baggy Point cliff walk - about 5 miles by road
- private RSPB Chapel Wood entrance
Suitable for
- Individuals who enjoy quiet and nature
- Groups who want a shared holiday but with own living space
We are happy to discuss your needs
- Group discounts for walking / bird watching groups taking 4 or more cottages and the barn.
- Short breaks considered outside of school holidays