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One of our guests described St Aidan’s as awe-inspiring and cosy at the same time! Please make your booking via the website at
It’s in Carlton, a quiet hamlet just outside Helmsley, on the way up to gorgeous Bransdale. All the accommodation in our holiday stay is on one level. It is a restoration of a Grade II* listed church with a stylish modern extension.
The sitting room and dining area are in the nave of the church, and the bedroom is behind the chancel screen with its painted wooden doors. There is a spacious, superbly equipped kitchen, a contemporary bathroom and a separate wet room with shower, each with toilet. The garden room with full length sliding window opens onto a sun trap patio with a rural view, and can be used as a second bedroom with sofa bed.
St Aidan's was designed by the Gothic Revival architect Temple Lushington Moore. There is more about him and the churches he designed in North Yorkshire at