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Overlooking the famous village church in the heart of Painswick, the Cotswold charm sets the scene for the exceptional boutique accommodation inside.
Sympathetically remodelled, the first and second floors of the C17th Century Grade II listed building now offer three luxurious double guest rooms, and two larger suites ideal for families with children or couples seeking spacious accommodation.
Each individually-themed room, sumptuously decorated and tastefully furnished, features carefully curated objets and art. Bedlinen is Egyptian cotton, and we offer a choice of goose down or anti-allergenic duvet and pillows. Each room enjoys a large, elegant en-suite with wet room shower (or cast iron roll-top bath in the Bohemian room), underfloor heating and hand-finished in polished, colour-tinted plaster in the Mediterranean style.
A hearty breakfast from Matt’s bistro menu (prepared with fresh local produce) is included each morning, taken in the restaurant downstairs.