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If you are simply looking for a relaxing atmosphere to put your feet up, or a comfy bed to rest after a long days hike then look no further, our cosy bar offers an impressive selection of award-winning ales served straight from the barrel and our en-suite rooms offer a good nights sleep.
There’s bound to be an ale to suit your taste! Speak to Landlord Ken about your preferences and he’ll be happy to help you find your perfect pint.
If the sun does make an appearance, you can make the most of our tranquil beer garden!
We also welcome dogs and muddy boots in our bar area so come and join us after your ramble around the Cotswold way!
We have four en-suit rooms available here at the Star Inn. We have a twin room, a standard double and two family suites (sleeping 4).
Rooms on a room only rate priced at £80-£150. Book direct on our website.