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Warm and mildly eccentric, Jane and Graham along with a team of animals strive to make your stay as comfortable and relaxing as possible.
Sorry no children and no dogs. Guests welcome from 4.30pm for a pot of tea/coffee and a slice of homemade cake. Vacate room by 10.30 am
Breakfast and afternoon tea is included in the price
Served from 7:30 except on sundays when it is served between 8 and 10.
We have a delicious array of home grown food and cereal.
Our Full English includes home grown Old Spot cross Saddleback sausages and eggs from our chickens. Along with bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, toast and black pudding.If a lighter breakfast is more to your taste we have a variety of cereals, fruit salad, yogurt and toast with homemade jams.Accompanied by tea, coffee and juice.
Unfortunately we cannot guarantee your sausages and eggs will always be produced onsite. If we do run out we use locally sourced alternatives.
Afternoon tea with homemade cake is provided upon arrival.
Weather dependent it is served outside or in the hall of tapestries in front of a log fire.