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A 36-bedroom, 17th century Manor House hotel set in six acres of stunning grounds overlooking the Stroud Water Canal and rolling hills of the Stroud Valley. Our attractive gardens and lawns are the perfect place for a peaceful stroll, glass of Pimms or game of croquet. In the main Manor House you'll find our restaurant, terrace, bar, conference suites, and some guest rooms. Our Garden Wing comprises further guest rooms and the newly-refurbished Caroline Suite offers extensive banqueting and conferencing facilities.

From our larger, luxury, newly refurbished Manor House rooms and Four Poster rooms to our smaller more snug Garden Rooms located in the newer extension of the hotel.

Stonehouse Court is ideally located for visiting the wealth of local attractions that this beautiful part of England enjoys. We are only 30 miles from the delightful town of Cheltenham Spa and 10 from Gloucester with its breathtaking Cathedral. The many traditional Cotswold villages nearby are perfect for exploring and of course, you may want to sample the local ales in the village pub! Our staff are available for local and seasonal information, directions and recommendations.

At the foot of the hotel grounds, you’ll find a tranquil stretch of water known as the Stroudwater Navigation, which links Stroud to the Severn Estuary via a secluded 8-mile passage. Following an act of Parliament in 1759, the Stroudwater was constructed over a period of 20 years, opening 12 years before the Thames & Severn Canal in 1779.

For those wishing to take to explore the famed Stroud Waterways, we offer a number of Boat Trips along the canals, both self-hire and in partnership with Glevum Boat Hire.

Accommodation details

Bespoke Hotels
Stonehouse Court, Bristol Rd, Stonehouse GL10 2BQ, UK