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Swale View is a lovely cottage set in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales in the village of Low Row. Swale View was built in, roughly, 1750 and has been added to and upgraded periodically since then. And as such has a few features dating back a wee while and there are also some idiosyncrasies that you just don’t get in modern houses. But that is all part of its charm!
Swale View is our three bedroom (two doubles and a single) detatched family house with a living room including a large inglenook fire with multi-fuel burner, a very well-equipped large kitchen with an Aga, American fridge freezer and Belfast sink, separate dining room also with multi-fuel burner, pantry with wonky, but firm, shelves, bathroom with bath and fixed shower, porch with drying facilities and a nice wee enclosed garden overlooking Swaledale to the river Swale complete with table and bench seating.
All towels, sheets, bath mats, hand towels and various toiletries including soap, shampoo and body wash are included for your visit. If you stay longer than a week we will of course clean and freshen up for you.
The dining room has been added onto the cottage within the last few years giving just a bit more space to enjoy your meals with lovely views over the fields and River Swale below.
Parking is free for up to four cars on the private road the house is located on and we have free wifi (who pays for wifi anymore?) throughout the house.