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This 17th century Hotel is situated in the beautiful and historic town of Wotton-under-Edge. Next to a free car park and only 10 minutes from the M5, stay with us and enjoy the stunning views of the Southern Cotswolds.
The Swan has recently refurbished elements throughout the hotel including the restaurant, lounge and bar area. There are currently 11 traditional bedrooms, all with ensuite facilities. We offer all of our guests access to free WiFi and we’re proud to be listed as a dog friendly hotel.
Explore the beautiful South Cotswolds on foot! This special package includes afternoon tea or coffee and cake, a two course dinner in the Swan restaurant plus a packed lunch. All rooms have a colour television and tea & coffee making facilities
All this from £75 per person per night sharing a twin/double room or from £115 per person per night in a single room. A £20 Saturday night supplement will apply.
Transfers can by arranged for you, please ask when booking this package.