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For traditional Cornish charm and a waterside location, The Lugger, a 17th century inn in Portloe, is hard to beat” – Financial Times.
The Lugger Hotel – Cornwall’s only AA-rated Five Star Inn, and selected by the Sunday Times as the “Best Seaside Hotel” – sits right on the water’s edge in the centre of this delightful village. Each of the 24 bedrooms is beautifully decorated and has deluxe showers and fine linens.
Additionally, a range of three private cottages are available for guests desiring the utmost seclusion, space and freedom. In particular, the three-bedroom Cobb Cottage features self-catering facilities, a generous lounge, as well as breath-taking panoramic views.
There is also a two AA Rosette restaurant on site, where guests can enjoy the best of local produce and cuisine. Many of England’s most popular attractions – such as the Eden Project, the Lost Gardens of Heligan and the Maritime Museum of Falmouth – are also within easy striking distance.
Surrounded by cliffs and headlands which form an idyllic part of the Cornish Coastal Footpath, Portloe possesses an unrivalled beauty and enduring timelessness.