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Tibbiwell Lodge is a purpose-built B&B designed with you in mind.
200 yards from Painswick town centre and nestled into the side of the valley, Tibbiwell Lodge feels as if it is miles from anywhere. With its fantastic views and superb location it is the perfect place to get away from it all whilst still having all facilities within walking distance.
Painswick is an area of outstanding natural beauty and the Lodge benefits from beautiful views over the valley, a fact which has been taken into consideration when designing your rooms. The south-facing rooms all have balconies or terraces for you to enjoy these views to the full.
The comfortable oak-floored Dining Room with its open fireplace is generous in size and nicely proportioned for you to be able to enjoy your breakfast chosen from our comprehensive menu.
Unlike most other guest houses in Painswick we have ample car parking, a facility rare indeed in a village built in times when horses were the main form of transport.
For those who enjoy walking, we have a drying room for your wet clothes and a dedicated boot wash area complete with a seat and brushes for your boots.