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A beautiful historic guesthouse and working farm on the edge of the Cotswolds.
We offer inviting and comfortable bed and breakfast accommodation in a building steeped in character and history on the outskirts of Bath.
Toghill House was built in 1691 and originally used as a resting house for monks travelling between Glastonbury and Malmesbury. It was restored in 1861 as a working farm and now offers a traditional B&B service for the travellers of today exploring this charming part of the country.
Visitors to Toghill can relax in rooms in the main farmhouse or barn conversion, all of which have been carefully decorated to reflect the history of the buildings. Our guesthouse also boasts stunning views over the River Severn, the Bristol Channel, the hills of Wales and the Brecon Beacons.
As a guest you will be invited to enjoy visiting our working farm during your stay, to walk around, meet the animals and make use of the stables and arena for your own horse if required
Guests are treated to a traditional English breakfast and can make use of our laundry room, delightful courtyard area and parking facilities. Well-behaved pets are also welcome.
Toghill House Farm and bed and breakfast is run by the Bishop family, who are devoted to making your stay a truly pleasurable experience.
Toghill’s working farm warmly welcomes all bed and breakfast guests and offers you a real taste of rural life. In fact, visitors to the farm are often greeted by its very friendly team of cats and dogs as they arrive.
Animals on the farm include sheep, bantams, horses and a Shetland pony. Walking routes have been marked out throughout the farm grounds and you can choose short walks or full-day or half-day outings.
Toghill House Farm is only situated about 1.5 miles off of the Cotswold Way but unfortunately the roads to get to us can be rather busy and travelling by foot difficult. Please contact me for more information on how to find us on foot, alternatively travelling by Taxi from Cold Ashton will take 4 minutes.