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Budget camping barn accommodation for outdoor adventures.

Whether you’re tackling the famous Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge or ascending just one, there are plenty of different circular or non-circular routes to enjoy.  There’s a plethora of public rights of way, open access land and long distance routes surrounding us to cater for any duration of stay.


Our in depth local knowledge will ensure that no two walks are the same and heading out in all directions will offer something special.  Check out some of our short walks, day long hikes or more that are shown on our OutdoorActive page.


Eagles Nest is also ideally positioned for adventures along the Pennine Way.  Steeped in history, this National Trail follows the mountain tops along the rugged backbone of England and offers 268 miles of the finest upland walking in England.  A once in a lifetime experience.  Whether you are tackling the entire route or a section of it through the Yorkshire Dales National Park, Eagles Nest provides an ideal base for a variety of trips.

Accommodation details

Campsite, Self-catering, Bunkhouse, Hostel
Natalie Tomlinson
Horton in Ribblesdale, North Yorkshire


Adapted toilets
Bike wash facility
Dogs welcome
En suite facilities
Evening meals available
Laundry facilities
Luggage transport service
Packed lunches provided
Pick up service
Pick up bike service
Secure cycle storage
Wheelchair access
Wifi available