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Trewetha Cottage is an 18th century stone build Cornish cottage, renovated to a high standard. The bedrooms are beautiful with ensuite shower rooms, t.v. and wifi, There is a garden for resident's use and parking is available.
Guests have access to the dining room where a delicious breakfast is served in the morning. The kitchen is available for guests to make tea/coffee.
We have smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detector, fire extinguishers and locks on the bedroom doors.
The cottage is a 10 minute walk from picturesque Port Issac. The hosts offer a drop off and pick up service should you want to go for an evening meal.
There are glorious cliff top walks to Port Issac and Port Gaverne.
A recent review:
"Dianne and John's place was delightful and they were great hosts! The ensuite room was lovely and a very good breakfast provided. The accommodation was well situated to have a meal in Port Issac and we were very kindly taken and picked up! Would definitely recommend!"