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We are situated in the picturesque coastal village of Staithes which is steeped in history and legend.
Our accommodation is ideally placed as all the attractions of Staithes are within walking distance, including the harbour, museum, art galleries,pubs and cafes. The Cleveland Way passes through Staithes and it is possible to have luggage dropped off for those walking the long distance path.
Our property dates back to 1914 when it began life as a World War 1 Army Camp. Since 2000 we have lovingly restored some of the barracks to create 5 letting rooms and 4 self catering lodges.
There are 3 beautifully furnished double and 2 twin en suite rooms. Each is accessed from a decked area where there are stunning views of sunsets and seaward views over the distant cliffs of Boulby.
Although our prices are based on room only, a continental style breakfast can be provided by prior arrangement otherwise there are plenty of local places that provide full breakfast and evening meal menus.