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We have two beautiful rooms in part of the original cottage, completely secure and private. A double facing the Downs and a twin-bedded room facing the Wildbrooks. Ideal for couples, families or groups of friends travelling together. There is NO sharing stairwells or the breakfast table with total strangers. A private bathroom exclusively for guests is equipped with shower and a bath for soaking tired legs. TV and tea/coffee making facilities with free WiFi are all supplied.
2017 will be our 21st year of welcoming B&B guests so we either love doing it or are desperate for company!
A recent guest wrote:-
" Of all the places that I stayed at during the entire 5 weeks that I was a guest in your country, Janet and Mike at Two Farm Cottages in Amberley surpassed all with their genuine welcome and helpfulness - not to mention the quality of the breakfasts!"
We look forward to hearing from you too!