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An impressive holiday cottage with stunning sea views...
View Point is a cliff top location nestled at the peak of the Rosedale cliffs on the Cleveland Way and boasts stunning panoramic views along the coastline. The property is the perfect base for exploring the picturesque towns and villages of the north east coast and North Yorkshire Moors with the beautiful seaside towns of Whitby and Saltburn just a short drive away.
Located in the tiny Hamlet of Port Mulgrave, a short drive from Whitby, the aptly named View Point is a comfortable, ground floor three bedroom property with spectacular cliff top views and tasteful interiors.
Enjoy a romantic trip for two, or a family seaside holiday, where you and your loved ones can come together and make the most of the delightful View Point.
The open plan living and dining room is spacious yet cosy, the perfect place to get the family together for games night, enjoy delicious meals around the table or get comfy on the sofa and enjoy a romantic night in.
Each Bedroom has simple, comfortable interiors. One double with en-suite, a second double and a single bedroom. Each with natural light flooding in and views to the beautiful outdoors.
A well equipped kitchen ensures you have everything you need to rustle up a special meal for all your guests. With an electric cooker, microwave, washer and dryer it will feel like home from home.