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Experience the charm and nostalgia of our new Shepherds Hut and River Keepers Hut but with modern comforts including a double bed, power and light, plus your own wood burner, and we have another Hut disguised as a washroom/toilet and a kitchen breakfast room, with fridge, cooking and microwave facilities. New for this year is our Bathing Machine Hut which has a large double bed plus bunk beds and a private covered terrace. Each Hut has a BBQ with seating and a fire pit and new in this year is our Shower Hut with lots of space and lovely hot water! We welcome you to Waydown Cottage our family home to enjoy a memorable visit in one of our newly built Huts nestling on the South Down Way with our own access on to the walkways in Pyecombe, on the outskirts of Brighton. We are next to Pyecombe Golf Course so easy to find and adjacent to the Jack & Jill Windmills in a lovely location and with a village pub 2 minutes drive as is the Marks & Spencer Simply Foods for your supplies.
Hut Prices Sunday to Thursday. 1 Night £90 or 2 nights £170. 4 Berth Hut 1 night £120 or 2 nights £230.
Hut Prices Weekends Friday / Saturday. 1 Night £100 or 2 nights £195. 4 Berth Hut 1 night £130 or 2 nights £250.
Hut prices for 7 Nights £495.