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Wellinghill Lodge is a little gem, perfect for a romantic getaway. Nestling between the fields down a quiet lane it offers modern, light homely accommodation. The open plan kitchen/living/dining area has a dining table and chairs if you want a romantic dinner, comfy seating and fully equipped kitchen for those Jamie Oliver moments. The pretty double bedroom has an en-suite shower room. Outside there is off road parking and a pretty, private garden area with separate viewing balcony offering fantastic views. Access to the Cotswold Way is just down the lane.
Shops and several pubs are within easy reach in Charlton Kings and Cheltenham centre is a short hop in the car so a great scenic location for all the town's festivals.
>Double bedroom with ensuite shower and toilet
>Open plan kitchen / living area with dining table and comfy seating
>Fully equipped kitchen with microwave and fridge.
>Private garden and terrace with BBQ and table/chairs
>Free Wifi