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Wesley House is a 15th century Merchant’s House in the historic Anglo Saxon town of Winchcombe in the Cotswolds.
Noted as one of Britain’s Top 50 Cosiest Hotels - The Telegraph 2015 Five individually decorated rooms provide memorable accommodation for a short Cotswolds break.
Our cosy bedrooms have en-suite shower rooms and are individually furnished. The double rooms are named after the fields surrounding Sudeley Castle of which one, “Almsbury”, has a private terrace overlooking the North Cotswold Edge. The Castle itself can be seen from here in Winter, once the leaves have fallen.Our twin bedroom is know as “The Preacher’s Room” since the founder of the Methodist Church, John Wesley, stayed here twice in 1755 and 1779 as a guest of the then owner of the building, John Stait, whilst preaching in the town.Hence our name – Wesley House.Restaurant with Rooms: AA 4 Stars and AA Breakfast Award
Our restaurant has been awarded a AA ** rosette and has developed a reputation for excellent food, elegant surroundings and exemplary service. We take pride in delivering great food, using local suppliers and organic produce wherever possible. Wesley House is available to hire for private parties and is licensed for civil wedding ceremonies. We offer a wedding planning service for events held at Wesley House or at outside venues. The Wesley House Events team bring over 25 years of experience creating magical and memorable events for clients around Gloucestershire, the Cotswolds and South West.