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Situated in the South Downs National Park and right on the South Downs Way National Trail, Wetherdown Lodge is the perfect venue for outdoor pursuits.
The Lodge offers simple but comfortable accommodation for a wide variety of guests - from walking and cycling groups, school & college groups, birthday celebrations & family reunions, to companies looking for a team-building experience.
The Lodge can accommodate up to 38 people in 14 rooms, with most rooms having a bunk and single bed. There are shared bathrooms and a lounge/dining area. We have a new fitted kitchen, ideal for self catering for groups, or our on site Beech Cafe is open daily 10am-4pm (except Christmas) and can provide packed lunches and evening meals if ordered in advance. Costs include all bed linen, including a towel, and a 'help yourself' continential breakfast.
Our small, family friendly campsite which includes 2 Tipis and 3 Yurts, as well as 10 camping pitches and secluded camping bays. We have 2 compost toilets and 3 solar showers, as well as open fire pits and a clay pizza oven! We sell firewood from the Lodge.
We also have a paddock for DoE camping.