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In the centre of the unspoilt village of Kettlewell in the Yorkshire Dales National Park, Wharfeside House is a perfect base for groups wanting to explore all that the Yorkshire Dales has to offer.
Ideal for D of E or other youth groups as well as groups of adults or families. The area attracts walkers, road cyclists, mountain bikers, bird watchers, people who like to fish, artists, cavers, pot-holers, climbers, as well as businesses who are keen to encourage team building but at economical prices.
Opened in 1969 by Huddersfield Wharfeside Youth Trust, Wharfeside house provides centrally heated self-catering accommodation for sole use groups of 15-30 people. Facilities include a fully equipped kitchen with Aga cooker and fridge freezer, shower facilities with separate male and female toilets and a small separate leaders' bathroom