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Set in an idyllic location on the edge of the pretty village of Hillesley, surrounded by stunning views, we are just 1 mile from the Cotswold Way & The Monarch Way.
Withymore is the perfect place for guests who are looking for a peaceful, relaxing and very comfortable stay. We are dog friendly and are surrounded by breathtaking countryside and exhilarating walks.
We have 3 luxury rooms available, 1 double room, 1 king room and 1 twin bedded, each has its own private ensuite shower room. There is wifi, TV, towels, hairdryers, tea & coffee making facilities. All our rooms have a fantastic view.
With prior arrangement we can offer a pick up and drop off service for our guests from the trail together with luggage transfer for a small additional fee.
We look forward to welcoming you to Withymore Wood.