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John Holder's Wolvesey View B&B is the perfect place to start or finish your walk or cycle ride.
Very close to King Alfred's statue, the cathedral and great pubs the B&B is in a wonderfully quiet spot.
Rooms include:
- a single,
- double and
- family room which is ideal for guests looking for a triple to keep down costs.
Perfect for great hike or cycle ride:
- Safe storage of bikes in John's garage.
- Shops nearby for buying sandwiches and drinks.
- Super breakfasts even very early if you need.
- Arrangements made for baggage transfer
- B&B's website ( has plenty of information on the South Downs Way.
- Ten minutes walk from Winchester railway Station
- Two minutes walk from National Express Coach stop.
If fully booked John can advise on other B&Bs so ring or email Wolvesey View first!